包容性资本主义委员会 and WBCSD announce new partnership to address the climate emergency, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等







New York, NY and Geneva, Switzerland, 6 October – 的 包容性资本主义委员会 (议会)和 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD), the leading voice of business for sustainability, today announced a new partnership as both organizations work in parallel to address three pressing, interconnected challenges: the climate emergency, 自然损耗, 不断加剧的不平等.

的 two organizations will work closely together on initiatives that will activate the business community on sustainability planning, 确保公正的能源转型, and the measurement and disclosure of human and social capital criteria.

“If you want to do things that matter, you’ve got to do them together,” said 梅瑞迪斯先驱, CEO of the 包容性资本主义委员会. “Our complex challenges require collaboration and action across all industries and sectors, and the 委员会 is delighted to partner with WBCSD to forge a more inclusive and sustainable future through the actions of our member companies.”

WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官 彼得不赞美 添加, “Only collaboration at all levels will allow us to 使 the progress necessary to tackle the unprecedented challenges that impact us all. 在一起, we will support and guide companies across the world in sharing best practices to urgently address the climate emergency, 自然的丧失, 不断加剧的不平等.” He continued: “For this to be done successfully, leaders everywhere need to change their mindsets toward building long-term 弹性, 朝着商业再生的方向发展, and ultimately toward reinventing capitalism.” 

WBCSD has called for a world in which 9+ billion people can live well, within planetary boundaries by mid-century in its 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了. This new framework for business action includes nine pathways to action across industries and is designed to help companies drive change in their sustainability planning and business strategies.

安理会的根基在于行动. 加入后, 委员会成员 使 concrete, measurable, and meaningful commitments to operate their organizations in ways that create equality of opportunity, 公平的结果, and fairness across generations as well as for those whose circumstances prevent them from full participation in the economy.

的 委员会 has more than 150 members, and its platform includes more than 400 commitments. 威廉姆斯, 执行董事, 北美, WBCSD, 作为合作的一部分, the 委员会 is inviting WBCSD’s 200-plus members to document their corporations’ actions and demonstrate their leadership on the 委员会’s 承诺平台. 的 organizations already have shared members in Ayala Corporation, 波士顿咨询公司, BP, 杜邦公司, EY, 万事达卡, 和签证.

正规博彩十大网站排名 recognize that there is both a moral and business imperative to act on these issues and by working together, this will help accelerate our collective actions to find business solutions to these issues,西森说.

作为合作努力的一部分, 委员会 founder and managing partner of Inclusive Capital Partners Lynn Forester de Rothschild 已加入水务署的 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI). 的 BCTI seeks to mobilize the global business community to put tackling inequality at the heart of business’s agenda for sustainable growth.

In addition, WBCSD has agreed to support the 委员会’s 只是能源转换工作流程 行动框架, the first-ever guide for companies on concrete actions they can take to implement an energy transition that is just for workers, 客户, 和社区. 的 委员会 will share the framework in October and invite companies—including WBCSD members—to document their own just energy transition actions, which will be shared on the sidelines of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).

WBCSD builds impactful coalitions and networks that: Facilitate the sharing of knowledge;  enable and accelerate the adoption of standards and tools and; create advocacy inputs for common policy asks. 这些, 反过来, allow members to accelerate the transformation of major economic systems, 符合正规博彩十大网站排名目标, 《正规博彩十大网站》和《2050年正规博彩十大网站》.

Member companies and WBCSD are accelerating the development of business solutions for challenges with energy, 食物系统, 自然, 生活空间, 流动性, 循环经济, 以及社会影响. WBCSD’s unique collaborative platform enables members to transform their value chains and, with innovative approaches to integrated performance management, risk management and purpose-driven disclosure, 创造新的市场机会, 弹性, and attract lower cost of capital than companies which take no action.

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