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13 November, 2023


WBCSD insights



Jing Chen, Manager, Agriculture and Food, WBCSD

在一个快速发展的世界,我们的粮食系统的可持续性比以往任何时候都更加重要, the 2023 World Agrifood Innovation Conference (WAFI)是推动公私合作促进全球粮食系统转型的一个重要里程碑. This three-day, high-profile international event, focusing on agrifood innovation, took place 2-4 November in Pinggu District, Beijing.

正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)领导, the WAFl Entrepreneurs Forum, one of the four thematic forums of WAFI, 汇聚了致力于引领农业和食品行业走向更可持续未来的全球领导人和企业家. 来自农业食品行业的200多名代表亲自出席了此次活动, while over 700,000 individuals tuned in to the live broadcast.

Highlights from the WAFI Entrepreneurs Forum

开幕致辞及主题演讲:黛安·霍道夫, Executive Vice President of WBCSD, 为企业家论坛致开幕词, 阐明本署致力与商界合作,促进正规博彩十大网站排名和农业及粮食部门的转型. Following this, Simon Winter, 先正达可持续农业基金会执行董事, Qin Yinglin, Chairman of Muyuan Group, Harjan Kuiper, CEO of Rabobank China, and Zhou Jia, Global Partner of McKinsey & Company, delivered keynote speeches, 分享创新解决方案,以实现更可持续的农业食品工业.

圆桌讨论:活动期间举行了两次有吸引力的圆桌讨论, exploring food security, entrepreneurial leadership, 以及传统农产品转型的挑战与机遇. 来自全球和价值链的12家组织参与了会议, including Dabeinong Group, China Shengmu, Syngenta Group China, SinoCarbon, Novozymes, Modern Dairy Holdings, Starbucks, Budweiser, China Agricultural University, World Resources Institute, and the Rainforest Foundation Norway.

Key launches: Chinese CEO Guide and CASCA

WBCSD’s CEO Guide to Food System Transformation was released in its Chinese version. 该指南将为中国的商业领袖提供有关农业和食品转型执行的宝贵见解. 它进一步寻求营造有利的政策环境, institutional support, 建立一个包容和透明的农业和粮食体系. 《正规博彩十大网站》受到了观众的热烈欢迎, 表明其在引导企业走向正规博彩十大网站排名方面的重要性.

In addition, WAFI企业家论坛在中国宣布了一项重要的倡议——农业食品部门正规博彩十大网站排名中心 & Climate Action (CASCA). This initiative, jointly founded by WBCSD, Syngenta Group China, 中国农业大学MBA教育中心, World Resources Institute, and the Global Food and Land Use Coalition, 旨在提高农业食品部门对正规博彩十大网站排名的认识. CASCA seeks to promote technological innovation, carbon neutrality, and foster collaboration among industry, academia, and research. Currently, 20 companies have joined CASCA, and Syngenta Group China, Dabeinong, Beidahuang, Budweiser, 和雅拉都表示愿意担任董事会成员.


Across the conference, WBCSD在倡导私营部门参与和扩大工商界在国际农业食品对话中的发言权方面发挥了至关重要的作用. 代表团会见了北京市政府核心领导, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 彰显公私对话对粮食系统转型的重要性. 本署作为企业家论坛的组织者,确保了对其关键作用的积极讨论, responsibilities, opportunities, 私营部门在农业和粮食系统转型中面临的挑战.

Additionally, during the Plenary Forum III, moderated by Diane Holdorf, 企业家们讨论了农业食品系统如何转型,以应对气候变化和减少碳排放. 世界经社理事会强调了企业在农业和粮食系统转型中的关键作用, 并一直在与公司合作制定指导方针,以支持企业应对气候危机, such as the Climate Scenario Tool and its accompanied Scenario Analysis and Application Guide .

会议以发布《Pinggu Consensus,强调了企业家和私营部门在推动农业和粮食系统转型方面发挥的重要作用. 这一共识强调了企业采取集体行动加快实现正规博彩十大网站排名的重要性.

在一个农业和粮食至关重要的国家, 这次会议为农业食品工业的更可持续和创新的未来奠定了基础. 此外,WAFI是WBCSD在中国农业和粮食领域工作的一个重要转折点. 我们致力于与公司和合作伙伴合作,利用CASCA作为平台和网络,将WBCSD的全球战略本地化并进一步深入研究.

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